Mini Beta Firmware 2.1.0 - Random Note Range Not Reliable Enough

Mini Beta Firmware 2.1.0 - The random note range is not reliable enough

When setting a random note value of say ‘8’, you will occasionally get some notes that are incredibly high, several octaves above the base note in the sequence. This doesn’t happen all the time and the occasional not too crazy deviation is enjoyable, but the earsplitting crazy deviations are a problem.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use the attached project below
  2. Play the pattern
  3. Have a look a Midi Track 9
  4. Notice that some notes are outside of the range of step effect value n8.
    Reproduction might take some time as the notes are random.

See comment by Sandroid for more details:

Occurrence / Frequency

It happens eventually, but it’s hard to say how often it will happen, as it’s a random thing we’re playing with, and as I mentioned before, some of the not earsplitting deviations are pleasant. It’s only the occasional one every now and then that makes the customers in the Ambient Café cover their ears, shut up and finally notice the music playing. (Hold on, that’s starting to sound like a positive…) Anyway, it’s not a positive.

Found in Firmware

  • Version: Mini Beta Firmware 2.1.0
  • Build: 1153

Attachments (15.6 KB)

Hey there @Timbient, i appreciate the Ambient Café humor :smirk:

I’ve tried recreating a project based on your steps (using an internal synth).
Here’s the project: (3.1 KB)

Been running it for 15 minutes so far and haven’t noticed anything unpleasant so to speak. Could you share your project maybe or record a video of the atrocity that has befallen your ears? :pray:

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Thanks @Sandroid. I’ll try and do this soon. It would also be good to know what a number range like 8 means. How far away from the note entered in the sequencer should the range of 8 get?

Tracker Manual to the rescue! :heart:

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Hi @Sandroid. I’ve attached an example project of something similar to what I described. Where and when the note goes way higher than the specified range of 8 is very unpredictable. On this example it first did it for me at around 6 mins. Thanks for the chunk of the manual you shared. It’s without doubt going beyond +8 deviations from the route, even when it’s sounding good I’d say. (15.6 KB)

Hey @Timbient, thanks for the project that did help and i can definitely reproduce what you are (painfully) hearing.

Based on the Documentation and the explanation of how n should work, a value of n8 would create a deviation of -/+ 8 semitones.

This means based on the root note F4 on your Midi Track 9:

  • The lowest note should be: B♭3
  • The highest note should be C5

Clearly this is not the case in your project at times - which sounds lovely btw :heart:

I’ve taken the liberty to update the initial bug report to simplify, since you provided a project that helps reproduce this very simply.


Thanks for the help with this one @Sandroid! Thanks also for saying my project sounds lovely. I appreciate it. :heart:

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Hi @Timbient Thank you for reporting this bug. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready. Also, I like the project very much, I really enjoyed waiting for the bug to reproduce :smiley:

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Thanks @borsuk!
I love using the Tracker Mini. This new project scale lock feature with random note is beautiful.
I’m really enjoying using it to send random scale locked notes to my Model:Cycles. So the project you’ve been listening to has evolved a bit with the addition of some MIDI going to the M:C.