The incoming midi velocity can maximum reach “100%”, but when we communicate about midi we talk about a value between 0 and 127 for Midi 1.0, not 0 – 100 %, same for any other controllable midi CC value [which is not only on/off], when it comes to using the correct terminology/measurement.
Hey @gravedraq, hope you’re well. We spoke about this in the General chat earlier.
I kinda feel that this is more of a feature request rather than a bug. I totally get that when a MIDI device is plugged to the input, then the value in percentage is confusing to know the exact MIDI value you’ve entered. The issue I see is that when you don’t have a MIDI device plugged in, volume going to 127 wouldn’t make sense.
Once thing that wasn’t covered in our earlier conversation is that if you set one of your Instruments as a MIDI channel, then the Instrument Parameters and all the assignable CCs are in the proper 0-127 format.
Thank you for the reply, I hope the Polyend development team also will adapt this into the future OS pipe-line. Maybe a “mask”, where you can choose between percentage or midi 1.0 values. Similar to the options of “pattern arrangement”.
I’m still learning how to use this device and it is a very exciting journey. My current mission is to find a way, where I can replace my Akai MPC and use the Polyend Tracker as the central point of the studio. [Try something different]
If you are only “in-the-box”, then a value of 0-127 does not make much sense, I agree. In the world of hardware “outside-the-box” it does, as most of our Midi compatible instruments are following this value convention. Luckly Polyend Tracker have not adapted Midi 2.0, because then you had to hide 512 steps within a percentage between 0-100 % at some cases.
Thanks for the tip concerning setting a pattern track to a midi channel and hit [Instrument Parameters] to see the full 127 Velocity evidence. [Good to know]
Appreciate your reply. I’ll abstain from any further comment as Bug reports are not my domain, but I would encourage you to create a wish as a suggestion to implement this functionality. If it’s not clear how the wish system works here on backstage, I’m more than happy to walk you through it.
I not fan of the current wish forum handling. Things like this would end on page 200 within short time due to end-users who are voting for bloating sound design over basic functionality.