MIDI sent from DAW (Bitwig) via USB to Tracker does not include velocity information

Bug Description

While investigating a different possible bug, i’ve noticed that the Tracker doesn’t seem to receive or ignores velocity information sent from the DAW/Bitwig via USB.

I am not excluding that i may be doing something wrong!?
If i’m missing something obvious i would appreciate your input :blush:

Reproduction Steps

  1. On the Tracker ensure that Config → General → Recording Options is set to Microtiming + Velocity And setup MIDI In to be via USB
  2. Create an Instrument Track in Bitwig and add some MIDI Notes with Velocity.
  3. Set the Tracker+ as Track Output Destination
  4. Start Live-Recording on the Tracker
  5. Play the Clip within the DAW

The notes get recorded and so does microtiming. Velocity is always 0 though.



Found in

  • Version: 1.0.2
  • Build: 1061


Bitwig Test Setup:

Output on the Tracker:


I see you found more bugs))

There is also a possibility that i’m just doing it wrong? :laughing:
I usually don’t send MIDI via USB and/or from a DAW to the Tracker.

I actually think this has been around for a lot longer than just now as well.
I vaguely remember trying this years ago and had encountered the same issue.

But since this is not my usual workflow i didn’t bother investigating it.

(yes sorry, if y’all feel better… you can blame me that i did not report this sooner :laughing:)