I have one note that the play is sending out via midi. When I select the note, and then adjust the chance, the note seems to respect the 10, 30, 60, etc percent chance settings, but when I select Play/Skip it just plays every loop, and if I select Skip/Play it never plays. I’m not sure what I’m doing something wrong. Should I be able to select Skip 1/Play 1 in the midi state? I can make a video if that helps. Thanks. Original Polyend Play with fimware v1.5.0
Hey @nathanhendler, welcome to Backstage!
If you can, yes please! A video WILL make it easier for us to see what you are trying to achieve and provide you with feedback!
I think there is a common misunderstanding regarding how play/skip works in relation to pattern/track length.
If you have an one bar loop, and you set conditions like play 1|skip 1, the pattern will not automaticall grow to a two bar loop. You’ll have to actually make your pattern at least two bars long i.e. make any track in your pattern last for two bars (but not the one with play/skip!).
From the manual:
The overall pattern length is determined by the longest track length.
You can refer to this discussion for more info
It mentions ‘export’ in the title, but the question actually makes sense for playback too.
Do you happen to have also set a non-zero Micromove value for the step in question? I’ve previously experienced som unexpected results when combining Skip/Play values for Chance with Micromove.
yes, this is happening to me too where skip/play won’t work if I have any micro moves set on the track on any step. When I returned them all to 0/24 skip/play chances started working again. seems like a bug. can anyone confirm if this is still happening in the beta version?
Yes, can confirm this. Check move/micromove. I also have to restart the sequencer for it having the desired effect.
Restart meaning Stop/Play.