MIDI cc control to start/stop RC-5 Looper

I probably need to be educated.
Am able to setup reverb control for the RC-5 with an assigned dial on the Play. Very nice.
Also able to initiate start playback on the RC-5.
But unable to stop the RC-5 playback later in the Play sequence.
It’s as if the start cc is continually sending, over-riding the stop request.
It seems by assigning a cc to a dial on the Play it’s constantly polling the status. Which makes sense on something like reverb.
How do I assign a cc to a one-shot event on the sequence?

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If I understand your question correctly, to sync play and stop you need to sync the Transport in the MIDI settings.

Yes, and that works when manually using the Play/Stop button. I’m looking to transmit Play/Stop via a sequence step to a particular midi channel. Since the various midi devices being addressed respond properly to the manual Play/Stop action, I’d assume it could be done on the sequencer.

When using the term ‘orchestration’ I think of arranging individual instruments by starting and stopping at different times during the course of a composition. Yes, I can specify notes and long delays to achieve some of what I’m after. Today’s synths frequently have a built-in sequencer. In some cases those sequencers have advantages over the primary sequencer which is at the top of the instrument hierarchy. [DAWless setup].
For example: A Polyend Play controlling various MIDI channels to which a Korg Volca Drum and Roland J-6 Chord sequencers are attached. MIDI communication is set up properly because when the Play/Stop button is pressed on the Polyend both the Korg and Roland start and stop. And individual notes sent to those devices get expected results.
What I haven’t figured out is how to start and stop the downstream sequencers individually based on a given sequence step defined by the sequencer at the top of the hierarchy (Polyend Play).
I’m thinking of using an Arduino microprocessor to receive ‘orchestration’ requests in the form of MIDI cc or even simple note data, to translate and send downstream start/stop packets.

I’m back on good terms with the Polyend Play. :grinning:
The work-around is to use Program Change requests. If I want to silence a device, I create a program with no sound and program change to that number. Works great for the Volca Drum.
The Volca continues to clock along but only plays when the Play sequencer PC’s to a program which has content.


You have any of your jams on video? Would love to see some interactions with the Play and RC-5! :heart_eyes:

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Not yet, but may post something in the future. Thanks for your interest.

I’m gearing down from a very intense work year but have 3 weeks of vacation coming up soon. During that time, I plan on getting the Play+ talking with my Headrush Looperboard and EHX 95000 so I’m very interested to see how you are integrating the Play with your Looper.

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That EHX 95000 is a serious piece of kit.
After developing a composition with the Play and peripherals, I’ll improvise on flute/sax/midi wind/keyboard finding new ideas. This gets recorded by the looper. Then choose appropriate step(s) on the Play to trigger the looper at the correct time.
First, tweak settings such that the looper is starting and stopping when you hit the Play/Stop button on the Play+. At the top of the sequence, use Program Change to select an empty slot on the looper so it’s active but not sounding. Then later at the appropriate sequence location, PC to the loop with content. I haven’t accomplished this yet, but it’s my strategy for today. :laughing: (as stated earlier, it’s working for the Volca Drum) I’m using cc customization to enable Program Change messages between the Play and RC-5. The EHX 95000 may allow a simpler method. Enjoy your vacation!

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My only looper experience is with the RC-5. Probably there are easier loopers to work with. Typically, by design, a looper will finish one loop before proceeding to the next requested loop [program number]. This complicates the timing when the intention is to trigger different loops at different times in a Polyend Play sequence. It appears hopeless to me at this point. The Play will one-shot a program change message, which is great. But the improvised loop must be short enough to fit within a Polyend Play pattern. Which then allows a program change to null loop. (not easy to understand, but this is the work-around for not being able to simply start/stop). Unfortunately, the cc implementation on the Polyend are all assigned to knobs which are continually polled for status. We really need a one-shot track start and one-shot track stop on the Polyend, which can be directed to a looper or down-stream sequencer.

With loopers, the intent is to capture a instrumental improvisation as you’re listening to the Polyend Play. Then assign a Play sequence step to trigger the looper to playback. Alternatively, you could eliminate the looper if you could record a sample in real-time directly into the Play. Obviously you can perform your improv into the looper, then transfer the file into the Polyend Play and have precise and consistent timing.

I’ve risen considerably out of the pit of ignorance regarding cc’s. Previous posts are somewhat embarrassing. Now have perfect control over starting; stopping; program change over the RC-5 looper (as well as most other devices).
Don’t know if it’s considered a work-around or best practice but consistent performance is obtained by the following procedure:

  1. Go into MIDI cc setup on Polyend and select the target MIDI channel. Assign a Polyend knob to the CC number for the target device. In the case of the RC-5 Rhythm Play requires #81 while Rhythm Stop requires #82. Return to the Polyend MIDI sequencer.
  2. Choose a midi sequencer row and in first position enter the desired cc number with value zero.
    Directly below on the next row, enter the same cc number with value 127.
    (I think of this similar to how some digital circuits respond to rising edge voltage vs falling edge.)
    I’d like someone to confirm that the Polyend reads from top to bottom, right to left progressing through each row.
    Which means the cc value 0 is read before the 127.
    You may find only one cc entry is required, but if you experience inconsistent behavior, try this method.
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