Mechanical keys super squeaky on brand new Tracker+

Hey guys, I’m loving my Tracker+ but the squeaky keys are driving me nuts. They even stick a little sometimes. I’ve tried pressing them a bunch of times to maybe work it out but it seems to be worse than it was. Considering that their mechanical keys, is it possible they need some lubricant?

Hey @andlebeau, welcome to Backstage! :partying_face: Good to have ya!

Did you just get it? If so, give it some time… they do settle down after some extended use.
This has been a thing since the OG Tracker :laughing:

Until then use closed back headphones :rofl:

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Haha, sounds good. I’ll keep at it. Thanks(:

If it doesn’t get better though after a week or two, please come back and let us know, ok? :hugs:

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@andlebeau I had a super squeaky one as well and I think that it took a month to be ok. Now it’s just perfect!
I’d take the advice of closed headphone in the meantime.

I’ve had my T+ for quite a while now (6months at least) and the keys are still squeaky and some of the shift and arrow buttons stick sometimes, and as you can imagine those ones are the ones in most use.

What are the next steps if this thing is not loosening up?

This is an example of my arrow buttons and shift buttons sticking. This didn’t happen on my OG tracker which I’ve used and loved for a good 4 years now.

Video of buttons sticking

If it still is an issue i’d get in contact with customer support :muscle:

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Thanks Sandroid, I will do. I’ve got a bit of time over Xmas to make music so I’ll give it until January.

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For the sticking buttons I’d suggest taking them off and check for burs around the bottom edges. A bit of sandpaper will usually do the trick I’ve discovered.

Curious to hear how it is now :wink:

Slightly better! Shift key is still sticking. Not getting huge amount of use right now as have a newborn! :crazy_face:

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