Master Reverb/Delay not working on sample instruments in project

Bug Description

Reverb and Delay are not applied to the first (or other) sample instruments in the supplied project.

:information_source: Important to note: This behaviour only applies to the supplied project below and its .pti instruments. It’s not a general issue.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open Project
  2. Play some notes on the sample instruments
  3. Notice how reverb or delay are not applied eventhough sends are present



Found in

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Build: 995


Original Post


I’ve come a cross a possible glitch on tracker plus, 1.0.1. beta, find it hard to explain what is happening. As the title suggests, master reverb and delay effects are not working on particular samples. In the test project (link below) I’ve uploaded several samples, first two tracks (Instruments 1 and 3) have the reverb send quite high, however on my device it’s not working. On the Master page even the levels of Rev and Del are not really indicating that anything is sent into them. There’s something slightly moving in the Del track, however it’s not audible.

Tracks 3 and 4 have different samples (Instruments 7 and 8, and Instrument 8 is from the same directory as the Instruments 1 and 3 in the SD card), and effects seem to be working as they should. All of those samples I’ve uploaded myself.

I’m quite new to the tracker, I might be missing something glaringly obvious, but I cannot seem to explain this.

Here’s the project:

  • [see attachements above]

Hey @kaaarlis thanks for uploading the project.

  • I can confirm that this issue is indeed present / happens to me as well with your project.
  • Even if you create a new project and load one of the instruments from the test project to the new project, the behaviour stays the same.
  • Reverb or Delay is not applied even if all the settings are correct.

Tested with Tracker+ Firmware 1.0.1 Build 995

@kaaarlis i’m going to change this post from a question to a bug report - just so you know.

Ok, thanks for the info, so I wasn’t just missing something.

Do you have any idea why this might be the case? Anything to do with how those samples were uploaded? Those were definitely recorded through line-in, so maybe something to do with that?

I couldn’t say, maybe the project or instrument meta data was incorrectly written? But since it can be easily reproduced with the supplied project, i’m sure Polyend will be able to tell us what went wrong.

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Just an update – this might have something to do with the way Line-in channel is set up in the config menu. Just tested and seems to check out – I had the Line-in set to stereo, but I was recording mono. All recordings I just made with that setup do not respond to reverb or delay FX sends. Once I switched the Line-in channel to mono, all recorded samples respond to FX.

A weird glitch, but at least for now it seems clear. Will update if the issue re-appears.


Nice catch! :heart:

By the way i just tried to reproduce this based on your description, but can’t.

  • I’ve taken a mono signal and recorded in stereo.
  • Created two different files (one with left channel only, one with right channel only)

I’m still able to apply reverb and delay. You did record/sample those samples directly on the Tracker yes? Or did you record them seperately?

@kaaarlis could you upload that file one more time please if you can? The WeTransfer link apparently already expired and i would like to compare your base samples with mine.

Thank you! :heart:

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Here’s a link, I re-uploaded the same project:

However, I’ve come across different glitches in other projects. For example, there are samples that, in turn, do not have a dry sound, but only start to sound when reverb or delay is turned on. Basically feels like the opposite of the initial problem.

I noticed these issues in a project in which everything worked fine and the suddenly I noticed that some samples are not audible. Switched tracks and they became audible again.
Something very very glitchy, and I have a suspicion it has something to do with the way I record samples. Or I don’t know. I will later try to upload an example project to demonstrate the issue on this same thread.

Also - yes, I record them directly onto the Tracker.

Thank you so much! :heart:

Yeah if you can record a video of your recording process and everything that is involved. I am super curious!

Hi, again!

I haven’t had the chance to make a video of the recording process, but I guess this glitch is somewhat unrelated. If someone can explain what’s happening here, I would be very grateful.

Here’s the project:

As you’ll see, there are four tracks with 2 instruments loaded. In the first two tracks the loaded instruments are not audible until you crank up the reverb send. In the tracks 5 and 6, which have the same two instruments loaded, they are audible as they should be.

I noticed it while working on a project, when after everything was working properly, suddenly a couple of tracks had this glitch. Loaded the same instrument in other tracks and discovered that it works normally, so I guess the issue is with the tracks and not the recorded samples. Also, checked and the same happens with other samples that I haven’t recorded myself.

I have no idea how this is possible. Of course, I had previously mangled and switched different samples and instruments in those tracks, so maybe I’ve changed something that I’m missing right now, but it still seems bizarre.

Let me know if there is an answer to this.


Edited to add details.

Regarding this last issue - came across a situation in the same project, where sample just stops being audible altogether. Not audible at all, neither dry, nor through FX. Works properly, then after loading the project in a while just silence in a couple of tracks. It’s becoming very annoying, I have to admit.

Hi @kaaarlis Thank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using the Tracker+. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready. :slight_smile: