Master EQ bypass and the ability to save and load different master EQ settings

Have the possibility to quickly bypass/deactivate the Master EQ Settings to A/B test/listen to the EQ results.

What is the problem?

Master EQ setting can’t be bypassed.

What should this feature achieve?

Have a button to bypass the master EQ so a user can hear the difference the EQ is making. An EQ presets page would also be good, where you can save the current master EQ and then dial in different settings to try something else. Perhaps you could call each EQ setting a snapshot with a number, to speed up workflow, and say have a limit of 6 per project, using the first 6 buttons to save a snapshot - eg button 1 saves the current master EQ into EQ snapshot slot number 1 etc

Are there any workarounds?

No. To reset the master EQ you have to select each band and then dial them back.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

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Hey @roy.burr , thanks for you wish, i’ve taken the liberty to slighty reformat and reword things a little. Hope that’s ok :blush:

Hi, Sure that’s fine :grinning:

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This is a good idea.

Given that one of the best qualities the Tracker has to offer is the lack of clutter in the UI, I feel that this feature would slot in well, with very little disruption in user experience.

Simply having a MASTER EQ on/off toggle would possibly even enrich the essential " lack of clutter" aesthetic that makes the Tracker such an enjoyable device to work with.

I also like the idea of having master eq presets - this would improve efficiency. I wonder if there would be a way to implement these presets for the Master editor without additional menu diving?


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@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile: