Make Polyend-Devices Open Source!

The short version: think about switching your device firmwares to open source so that everyone can benefit from the great advantages.

The long version: I think it would make a lot of sense to share the software with the community. The success story of Synthstrom Deluge could serve as a model. Here, the path to open source was an ingenious boost that both fixed bugs and made long-desired features possible within a very short time. It can be seen here in the forum: the community has numerous ideas and the developers at Polyend could certainly also progitize, especially since it is a hardware company.

I have recently become a mini user and previously worked with the original tracker for longer. It is also clear to me personally: the potential of the devices is enormous, but we are not fully utilizing it due to bugs and lack of desired features. This is another good reason for switching to open source.

What do you all think? And most importantly: many thanks to the Polyend team for their fabulous work!


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