Make Macros, Slot Volume and Panning accessible via MIDI

What is the problem?

As a user performing with the Synth, I’d like to

  • use my faderfox PC4 to control all macros simulataneously and independently, and also adjust the synth slot’s volume and panning without menu-diving
  • program macro changes as well as changes in volume and panning in my hardware sequencer

What should this feature achieve?

These are the mappings I would expect:

  • C1-C3 are mapped to CC#1 (Modulation), CC#2 (Breath) and CC#3
  • Channel Volume maps to CC#7
  • Panning maps to CC#10.

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

  • Every product with a mod matrix that allows for mapping of midi controllers, e.g. Waldorf Blofeld or Micro-Q
  • Every multitimbral synth I am aware of maps volume and panning to CC#7 and CC#10
  • Performance Controls on Elektron Analog Four