Made a Tracker Mini protective case

I wanted to see what fellow Tracker Mini users thought of this project I’m working on. Basically, I made a 3D printed protective case, like you would get for your phone. It’s made out of TPU, which is a flexible plastic with reasonably good impact resistance and is used for a lot of phone cases you would find at the store. I designed it with a textured surface for enhanced grip (the tracker’s plastic always feels a little too slick to me). I’m still refining the design, trying to balance toughness with flexibility and make it look nice too. The inside top layer looks a little wonky right now. When it’s done it could be able to printed in a huge variety of different TPU color options for a lot of custom personality. The picture below is a “harder” 98A TPU, but I’m going to experiment with standard 95A TPU, which is more like what you’d find if you bought a TPU case for your phone.


Hey there! Looks great!
And thanks for showing everybody the SN on the back :wink:



I would want this for sensory reasons as much as protective. The finish on the mini does not agree with me.

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This looks very cool!
Sugestion: how about a much thinner layer for the top, of course not covering the buttons, just to avoid scratches?
I reckon it’s feasible, right?

I’ll have to think about that. It’s actually deceptively difficult because when you 3D print, you do it layer by layer, so anything over the top would be a “floating” layer and would require supports, which are very difficult with TPU. I might be able to print a second piece that lays on top and folds down inside the main case. Hmmmm That’s given me something to think about!

I didn’t have time since I posted to refine the model much until yesterday, and I’m trying a few new things to get the inside surfaces smoother and a slightly different TPU that I think will work better (slightly more elastic). I’ll report my progress as I go. :slight_smile:

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Looks great
Does it still fit in the carry case that comes with the tracker ?
If so, are you willing to sell a case that you have made ?
Many thanks