Lowering Chord Editor Pack Size deletes chords

Bug Description

Not sure if this is a bug or a design choice, but I would like to see this behave differently.
If you lower the number of “Pack Size” in the Chord Editor, and then increase it again, the chords that were affected by the number change, are deleted and replaced with the first chord in the pack. I prefer if the chords were remembered when doing this. Or maybe make it a preference.

Steps to Reproduce

Go to Chord Editor
Play some chords of the highest notes in the pack, notice what chords they are
Lower the number of “Pack Size”
The higher notes that contained chords should now be deleted/inactive
Increase the number of “Pack Size”
The higher notes now contain the same chord as the first in the pack

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.1.0 (public beta)
  • Build: 1534
