Line out with Headset fine, to the audio interface the panning gets lost and the volume levels are crazy low


When i connect a headset, everything sounds fine.
As soon as I connect the Tracker to my audio interface (PreSonus Studio24c) it gets a) very quiet and b) all the panning is gone. Everything just appers left and right and the panning just changes the volume a bit.

Most likeley it is my ignorance as a audio tech noob, but i can’t find anything. Not in the docu nor in the net.

What am I doing wrong?

Any hints appreciated.


Hi @grundgedanke, schön Dich auch hier zu sehn! :wave: :partying_face:

I’m curious - how have you connected the Tracker to your Audio Interface? 1 cable? or two cables?

Feel free to share an image of your connections and the cables and everything.
This will help us to know what we are dealing with and give you the best possible solutions.

My assumption, based on what you are experiencing, is that you may have accidentally connected things in a mono way, which would explain why you loose the stereofield and might explain the sudden drop in volume.

Sounds like you may be experiencing Phase Cancellation which is not always so obvious

I tried one cable and two cables + y adapter.

Regarding the missing panning it does not make a difference.

Regarding the volume it is low with one cable without y adapter, it is fine with one OR two cables connected with y adapter.

This kinda sounds like an audio interface setup issue. Are you using a DAW, or just listening straight from your interface?

A DAW will automatically handle the stereo signal (when you’ve configured two channels as a stereo source in the settings), but when not using a DAW, you may need to pan your L/R signals.

For example, when I’m not using a DAW, my settings for my interface look like this:

Note how the left and right channels are hard-panned - everything sounds as it should. Without it, everything is straight down the middle.

Kind of a shot in the dark but I hope this is good for something. :slight_smile:

Edit: you should use settings like this with the Y-adapter + 2 cables.