Koala Sampler Integration for bidirectional sampling

What is the problem?

There are lots of features on modern devices, which are not offered on Polyend Tracker/Play, due to that they requires lots of resources, not only to code and maintain but also could be very CPU hungry.

Roland was smart and saw that their user-base jumped between this app and their SP404 MK2 and therefore took the jump to this Integration.

What should this feature achieve?

  • Bidirectional sampling over USB
  • Modern features [example Stem Separation] and more FX.
  • Free-up resources for the Polyend Team, so they can focus on the core OS over additional FX, which could be handled by a 3rd part.
  • Latent Koala Sampler users could be interested in getting a Polyend device.
  • Users who are normally Feature bloating here on this forum could be gently pushed to borther the Koala team instead. :wink:

Risks or to-be-aware?

  • The Koala sampler app costs $4.99
  • You will need a handheld device [Android or Apple]
  • I dont know, the future of the Koala sampler application

Are there any workarounds?

Pull out the SD-card, insert into the computer and do the sample manipulation followed by re-inserting the SD-card into the Tracker.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?


i love koala sampler app . best mobile music app :heart:


@gravedraq Thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately, the wish doesn’t fit our current product design direction.

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