Jump to step in pattern edit mode

Would be lovely to be able to jump to a specific step when in pattern edit mode.

What is the problem?

When in pattern edit mode one can not jump to for example to step 16. Using the arrows to go to a step can be slow and prone to errors.

What do you want to achieve?

A shortcut to jump to a specific step. This would give more of a step sequencer feeling.

A shortcut like shift + a silicone pad would be perfect. One could have the first eight columns dedicated to select the first 32 steps and then have the top row of the last four columns dedicated to select ‘sections’ 1 - 4.

Are there any workarounds?

Yes, you can use the arrows, but scrolling is sometimes slow and prone to errors.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?


@here thanks for the wish! It’s now open for voting :slight_smile:

This feature would be awesome, but one addition would make it a dream: in instrument input mode, selecting a pad toggles that step. this would allow me to input drum patterns at light speed!

side note: the ‘jumping between sections’ part, i feel would make more sense as a “scrollbar” on the rightmost column