Issue with supplied TRS MIDI plugs

No problems sending and receiving midi notes and clock via USB but I was having no luck with the supplied TRS MIDI plugs.
I have found that the Arturia ones that came with my Audiofuse interface work as substitutes.
I decided to use a Multimeter to see if I could identify the issue.
Based on this post Arturia use TRS type B in the following manner.

Comparing tests with the Multimeter on the Arturia plugs vs the supplied Polyend ones I’ve noticed that, while TIP and RING are connected to pins #4 and #5, EARTH is not connected to #2. Instead it seems to be connected to the metal body of the plug.
Could this be why the supplied plugs are not working?
Before I update my support ticket I’d love to know the opinion of anyone with more electrical engineering experience than I.

the polyend ones work fine for me.

Thanks for your comment but they definitely don’t work for me.
If you have a multimeter could you possibly test to see what pins are being used on your ones?
With my limited knowledge I would not have thought the earth going to the metal body rather than pin#2 would make a difference but so far it’s the only thing I can tell is different from ones that do work.

Tested with a multimeter, middle pin to sleeve. All good here.

Thanks for the test. And I presume they are working fine.
Sleeve is not going to the middle pin on the plugs supplied to me.
It does seem that it might be the problem.

Yes they do work though i dont use them.