Is performance mode with synths buggy on the Tracker Mini or is it just me?

I’ve been playing around more with the performance mode with synths recently for the Mini and I feel like I’m not getting how to use them. If I have my synth notes on the midi tracks there is no way to select them for punch in effects, but macros/effects sends are still available. When I chose one of the parameters for the macros it doesn’t affect the synth but if I activate another track it does activate the macro effect. However, if I’ve selected multiple tracks and then deselect one of them the synth macro effect deactivates. It’s unclear what’s supposed to actually happen, and I can’t find an explanation in the manual how these effects are supposed to work when synths are on midi tracks.

Could also be true on the T+, but I haven’t got one so I can’t check.

Hope I’ve explained this well enough, happy to record a video to explain what I’m trying to do.

nah its broke dick

they got slapped with the true effort required for gear of the magnitude and need to sell more in order to make rnd funds before they fix anything is my guess. it was very broke early on and theyre catching their breath and realizing its a niche buying market and that wont really pay for rnd. trackers from 90s were all labors of love and this was/has been but its not right now. its all money motivated and theyre trying to save face from the bumpy beginnings and sell it the way it is right now. they add easy people pleasers like audio over usb and synths and larger ram and stereo sample playback before (instead of) fixing the major problems.

Lol maybe I should write up a bug report then