iOS Audio issues with Tracker Mini 2.0

Hey @sean-7957, welcome to Backstage! :partying_face:
Glad to see you made it here.

Now - let me start with the bad news:
Officially Polyend does not support iOS/iPadOS and Android devices.

BUT, for the most part it actually works. There are some quirks to it though.
Let me try and summarize as best as i can.

I see you are using the powered Camera Connection Kit.
Apparently the unpowered version seems to work better.

I personally can’t attest to this, as i only used an iPad with USB-C instead of Lightning to get this to work.

You can search for iOS related topics here on the forum and even look at topics that include the Polyend Play+, as the behaviour is the same when it comes to USB Audio between the Play+ / Tracker+ and Tracker Mini.

There is also a very specific way that things need to be connected / started, you can check out the following post about this:

Hopefully that will get you closer to getting it to work without issues. :blush: