I feel the editor itself is pretty self explanatory. You can define up to 12 chords per pack.
Let me know if something is unclear or if a little video would be helpful.
The shortcut to get there is a bit Konami-Finger-Fu-Overkill, but it works
If you install the most recent firmware (which is highly recommended), you can follow the instructions in the last section of the release notes: “Hidden beta feature”.
Hello everyone. I’m pretty sure I’ll be buying a synth soon. I’m just waiting for the first user reports.
Since Polyend says there will never be a Synth+, and I believe them, I’m wondering to what extent the Synth can be expanded via updates. The features I want most, and apparently many others, are multichannel audio via USB and saturation & limiter in the master section.
The Synth and the Play+ are almost identical on the outside. Does anyone know if the inside is the same? I would be interested to know if the features of the Play+ can be easily transferred to the Synth.
Hey @paraphonic, welcome to Backstage! Good to have ya.
I’m totally with you - i also would love to see some saturation / distortion / limiter.
I’m pretty ambivalent regarding USB Audio, but it would of course be appreciated.
I think @Mitch from Polyend has said their going to collect and answer the most common questions next week in a Q&A. So let’s hope/wait and see
Regarding the innards - nothing is known so far, so unless somebody is willing to open theirs and look at the chips, we won’t know.
I tried to integrate the Synth into my main setup today, and I’m having an issue: any tempo-synced delay on the Synth gives audible artifacts when using external clock over TRS MIDI.
I’ve tried running direct into the Synth from my sequencer, directly from one of my other synths, and indirectly via a MIDI thru port on one of my synths - all get the same outcome. I am using the DIN-TRS adapter that came with the Synth. Also tried multiple 5 pin cables, getting the same issue.
This is indeed a known bug, where the fix has not been released yet. But by the way i’m phrasing it you may already notice, that it is a known bug and a fix is in the works. We will hopefully see it soon.
Workaround for now is to use unsynced Delay with external clock. Tip: switching from synced to unsynced actually calculates exact number of ms from the sync rate for a specific tempo.
EDIT: oh and where are my manners! Welcome to Backstage @sbm!
I don’t want to try and be a moderator here but there are a lot of issues that would be best in separate threads so that they become searchable for future reference for other people.
We’ve been introduced to the Synth - now we should be addressing any issues in their own threads. That’s my “wish” for this forum!
I don’t know which other synthesizer is capable of that.
I continue to explore the incredible Polyend Synth, and today I decided to create a collection of patches for ambient textures (such as vinyl noise, crackling fire, bird sounds, and much more). I tested the textures and decided to record a Live Jam.
This is a spontaneous video, but I was amazed at how easily you can play endless ambient music by changing instrument patches on the fly. It’s fantastic; I dreamed of such an ambient synthesizer. So far, Grain is my favorite engine because it allows you to add your own samples, and your own samples mean an unlimited number of sounds and experiments.
That is actually completely fair and we should have thought of that ourselfs
Thank you!
So folks - if you got any open questions - please create a topic in Synth and tag it as question and we will do our best to answer it as soon as we can!
Hey Sandroid, thanks for the warm welcome. I’m looking forward to the Q&A. From what I’ve read here and on elektronauts so far, the synth seems to be very stable. With some demos I noticed that it often crackles when changing parameters. Someone mentioned this briefly but I can’t remember who. Have these clicks disappeared with the current version?
I have a question about the capabilities over USB.
Right now, it’s clear that the Synth only does data over USB, no audio.
But is the capability to stream audio like the + series there, able to be unlocked with a firmware update? Or is it a hardware limitation like in the OG series?
That is unknown to us (the public) at this point, as we don’t know what the guts of it are. Unless somebody is willing to open theirs up and check what’s inside?
I would assume Polyend will address this in the Q&A, since it has been asked a lot.
I just bought a synth - partly to write about it, mostly because I’m depressed and wanted a dopamine hit from something exciting (I can’t possibly justify it on rational grounds, I have a lot of synthesizers already). While making notes for a review pre-receiving it I read the quick start guide…
It looks like there’s no parameter lock/sequencing, and while there’s a sequence per engine available, they’re relatively short/rigid compared with other Polyend things, and there’s no overall sequence to control say, the mixer and effects as well.
Viewing it as a ‘layered synths’ machine, I’m a little surprised to find there’s no way of sending a modulation source to mixer parameters, such as ‘pressure = synth 1 vol up, synth 2 vol down’ sort of crossfading or indeed, panning with cross pressure (do the pads have the same degree of movement as Medusa?). But the quick start guide is very thin and I’m sure doesn’t show all the options – am I missing something?