Interview with PolyEnd

Hello there… just wanted to post this SuperBooth 2023 interview I did with Polyend software developer Wojtek Jakobczyk. Thought it might interest some of you.


Hey @martinyammoller welcome to the communty! :partying_face:

And thanks for sharing! Always love to see interviews that give a bit of background! :heart:

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Thanks @Sandroid Glad you liked the interview (there’s a whole bunch of them with various manufacturers, 20 in fac!t)

Hey Martin, nice to see you here! I’m not sure where you found this man but I’m certain he isn’t the real Wojtek.

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Really @Mitch ?! That’s strange coz he says his name is Wojtek Jakobczyk at the start of the video … And I got I touch with him from talking to Piotr, the founder at the Polyend booth.

Also I just checked both facebook and linkedin. Seems like this guy

Hey sorry Martin, i was teasing! Sorry, my sarcasm didn’t come across in print.


Nah,… this interview and screenshot is actually all AI generated. SuperBooth isn’t even real :melting_face:

This whole conversation is clearly generated by PolyGPT! :warning:


Okay I’m sticking with Wojtek isn’t real, don’t expect any firmware updates any time soon or ever again folks!


Very cool! Mitch is the one who is not real.

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You are correct Christopher. As an American, I excel at being a phony.


Loved it. Subscribed. Thanks!

Great. Thanks

Il est vraiment sympa ce monsieur et belle itw :wink: je pense que nous sommes presque tous sur la même longueur d’onde.

super! et merci!