I’m not sure if my Polyend Synth is malfunctioning or if it’s by design. But with almost every engine I get internal clipping as soon as I play more than 3 notes at a time. On my mixer outside Synth the input levels are n’t coming in loud at all. So it seems to occur within the Polysynth. Reducing the Polysynth internal mixer volumes doesn’t help. Than the sound is weaker but the clipping is still audible. So it seems to occur before the AD conversion of Synth. It’s not specific for a certain engine either. With every engine you quickly get a kind of clipping distortion. Which can be nice, if added by choice. But I can’t seem to get a clean, non clipping, polyphone sound like a nice pad out of Synth.
Does anyone have the same experience?
I’m trying to figure out whether I should return my particular device.