Instruments that were renamed on the computer do not change their name in the Tracker

As a result, it is impossible to effectively manage files and their names, because the Tracker does not accept changes made on the computer.

I encountered a new problem. I created my own set of instruments, gave them nice names and appropriate tags. But when I export the samples, they retain their original file names. Because of this, I now cannot match each sample with its corresponding instrument. I have to manually guess and rename all 48 sounds to make them relevant to each other.:exploding_head:

You can actually rename instruments directly in the Sample Loader.
This information will not change the filename though. It is saved as metadata within the resulting .pti file.

So if you want to make sure the displayed name is the same as the filename, you will have to do it twice.

Twice? How? What does this mean?

Do you mean import the instruments again? If so, then it works.

But this problem is not related to the fact that I cannot fully rename instruments on the computer.

To create your own instuments collection and beautifully rename instruments is a whole damn quest.

I was going to suggest some of the tools that can create pti files, but after checking it looks like none of them allow editing only creating :slightly_frowning_face:

There’s some listed on

Still it’s possible the python libraries could be used to create a program to rename them, but it would take a little coding.