Make Custom Beat/Melody fills more than 16 steps.
What is the problem?
The current limitation of 16 steps for custom beat fills hinders the creation of interesting and dynamic fills. Attempting to create custom beat fills for 64 steps leads to device malfunctions and bugs (So it almost done, almost ). Melody fills, like the original ones, should allow for more than 16 steps, as they are all 64 steps. Additionally, the inability to make a 1play-7skip configuration restricts creative possibilities.
What do you want to achieve?
Enable the capability to create custom beat/melody fills with more than 16 steps for a faster and more personalized flow.
Are there any workarounds?
I attempted to achieve the same result using skip-play/probability settings; however, this proved to be challenging, and I still lack the ability to implement a 1play-7skip configuration. It’s quite a tricky situation!
Any links to related discussions?
Any references to other products?