In pattern mode, "More" button greyed out when pressing Shift if Track 8 is muted

Hey, it’s me again!
A little bug to iron out, only cosmetic, nothing major.

Bug Description

In pattern mode, “More” page position indicator greys out when hitting shift on the first or second page (but not on the third).

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to pattern mode
  2. Mute Track 8
  3. Hit shift key (or hold and release)


Always, but not when “More” is on the third page.
Going to third page (from first or second) fixes the indicator.

Found in

  • Version: 1.8.0
  • Build: 840


Super minor, but nice catch! :heart:

1 Like

Hi @risseraka , excellent eye :mag: Thanks for logging another bug. I believe this happens only when Track #8 is muted. I’ll update the title accordingly. Please let me know if you have another way to reproduce and I’m missing something here. Thanks for your support!