Importing MIDI or Melodies fills?

Polyend Play+ has a great Fill feature that allows you to add your pre-prepared notes to patterns. I recently bought a Tracker+ and cannot understand how it works.

Is there a way to create your own melodies in some format and then just add them to patterns, as the Polyend Fill feature does?

No not really. While the Tracker does have a Fill Function, it works slightly different.
It still allows to to fill tracks with data, but those follow a certain logic or are based on an euclidean algorithm.

Here are some possibilities of how you can get somewhat what you are looking for:

  • Use the built in Fill Function and create pattern data via Euclidian Rhythm
  • Create a set of patterns from which you copy data, whenever needed
  • Go as far as creating a separate project where you store all your custom patterns. You can then copy a pattern, load another project and paste the data.
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Why does everyone love this inconvenient tool so much? I am sincerely trying to love and understand the Tracker, but I just can’t. I have to make so many unnecessary moves to create the simplest things…

My guess is that most Tracker users were software tracker users before and we are used to even stricter limitations. :joy:

So the existing toolset is already far more than what we were used to. Also we are used to a more programmatic way of thinking.

Yes, I understand, it’s a kind of fetish. But you can go crazy if you need to edit something.

In Polyend Play, I just need to press a pad to make changes to my pattern, and I can see my entire rhythm in front of me.

By the way, in the Tracker, one line doesn’t fit. You can’t make it so you see all 16 steps. Now live with that. :wink:

I think this is entirely personal preference and one’s personal workflow. :blush:

As someone who’s used trackers forever: I never feel like i don’t see enough on the tracker and editing feels fast to me.