Check the following Tracker Tutorial MIDI output video.
We use the Medusa synth for this example (will work the same for most other instruments).
Assuming you want to use the Tracker to send notes, CC, clock sync, and Transport data to the Medusa then do the following:
Connect one end of a MIDI cable to the included Tracker adapter,
Connect the 3.5mm adapter to the MIDI Out on the Tracker,
Connect the other end of the MIDI cable (without adapter) to MIDI input on the Medusa,
In the Tracker’s config menu locate the MIDI menu. Select the following settings:
Clock In – Internal
Clock Out – MIDI Out jack
Transport Out – MIDI Out jack
MIDI Out mode – MIDI Out jack
- In the Medusa MIDI config menu select the following:
Clock receive
Transport receive
MIDI input channel
Now everything is set up for the Tracker to sync with, sequence, and control the Medusa. You can program sequences on the Medusa which will be synced to the Tracker as well as send sequences to the Medusa voices from the Tracker.
If you are not using a mixer or interface to monitor this setup then connect Medusa’s audio output to the Tracker’s audio input to hear both at the same time from the Tracker’s output (this also allows for sampling of the Medusa).
If a computer/DAW is involved that you want to sync with the above setup then change the Tracker Clock In from Internal to USB and connect the Tracker to your computer. Set things up accordingly in your DAW and now when you hit play the Tracker and the Medusa will be synced to your DAW.
If you want the Medusa to control the Tracker then the overall process is reversed. Both products have helpful MIDI sections in their respective manuals for further reading.