How to record an electric guitar?


What are the recomended ways to record an electric guitar to a sample on the tracker (mini) ?
I am looking for the most portable way to do it.

  • Any chance to record direct guitar jack to line in ?
  • Direct monitor Output from a Focusrite Scarlett Solo to line in ?
  • Jack output from my amp to line in ?
  • ?

Thank you for your advices !

Hey @nee , it’s been a while… nice to see you again :wave: :hugs:

The options that you list are completely valid. I’ve even seen people record their guitars directly into the Tracker before. But i would refrain from doing this most of the times as it is not laid out for this.

I personally record guitar parts to the computer first and then chop things up before moving them to the tracker. But if you want to sample directly to the Mini without much hassle i would say a dedicated DI Box would probably be preferable in the long run. These can range from cheap (Behringer) to super nice (Radial).

Based on the options you listed, i think the Amp output to the line in seems the most feasible, so you don’t have to do constant recabeling with your focusrite :blush:


I’d recommend getting a dedicated amp/cab SIM - I’m getting great results using a DSM Humboldt Simplifier dlx,it’s got stereo di outputs too! Plenty of cheaper options too from nu-x, behringer etc. UAFX are worth looking at,but I prefer the analogue preamps on the DSM.

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Thank you @Sandroid @slatecaverns !

So if I understand well I need some amplification before sending the audio to the tracker.

My focusrite may do the job (it’s a pre-amp, right ?) ?
Of course my actual amp (Roland Cube) will work ?

But what’s the point between a DI box (@Sandroid ) VS a simplifier (@slatecaverns) ?

You raise a good point that i should have asked in the first place. :bulb:
It all depends what the “sound” is that you want to capture.

Are you looking for a clean signal? Then a DI Box is your best bet unless your amp can already output that. Are you looking to output your sound after a signal chain ( after pedals and amplification ) then something like the Simplifier can be useful.

But now that you mention that you have a Roland cube, then you might already have a good solution. If i see this correctly, the cube can already switch between, clean/crunch and lead. And using the headphone output from that to the Tracker should be perfectly sufficient.


I agree with Mr.Sandroid. Cube is a more than capable recording amp…I also remember getting a great recorded sound from a Boss HM-2 pedal direct into a fostex four track some years back :cowboy_hat_face:
Have fun experimenting

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Just wanted to chime in here as using the Polyend Tracker with guitar has become my go-to setup for downtempo music.

I use a pretty complex pedalboard going through a Boss IR-2, which then goes straight into the Tracker Mini line in.

I actually got the Mini over the OG and Plus because of the footprint–it’s basically a DAW in a pedal-sized footprint. :slight_smile:


As to why I’m using the headphone out as opposed to the Boss IR-2’s line out… I’m lazy and couldn’t find a 2X TS to TRS cable. But didn’t notice any real downgrade in sound quality going headphone out to line in.

If it was me, then I would first sample into my SP404 mk2 and then to the Tracker.