How do you jump from Volume FX 0 to 100 with fill?

I saw this video below by Money Mark who is a bit like Gyro Gearloose from Donald Duck. I would like to see, if I could make something similar on the Polyend Tracker. So, I sampled a conversation from the build-in radio of 8-10 sec and place the sample at the top of my track.

Observation concerning Fill:

I mark my FX1 from the top to bottom and click on [Fill] I choose the FX type as [Volume] and here I only have [Constant], [From-To] and [Random] but not the option to define, that there should only be 2 values as example 0 or 100.

Work arounds:

  • Manually place 0 or 100 in FX1 in the tracker
  • Insert [CUT] command, outcalculate when the sample gets cut and then use the FX value P with the out-calculated value to let the sample start, where it was cut, followed by a [CUT] command …etc…
  • Use fill constant with 100 on every 2n step. Then start from step 2 and do the same but with the 0 value on every 2n step.


Am I missing something?


Sounds like a great User-case for a wish to add a Fill option to set certain values for a set amount of option. Like “Fill 3” gives you 3 value options. In your Case, “Fill 2” sets 2 values.

Thanks, this is now filled as a wish here:

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