Tracks, variations and patterns offer a lot of flexibility, and this may come at the expense of getting distracted or lost. I know it happens to me, but this is fine because I’m not trying to complete songs (most of the times).
I guess it also takes hours of practice and the development of a stable structure in your own workflow, so you get your own conventions, and you know that the 2nd track will be most of the times a snare, that variations 1-4 are used to build up a drop, that patterns in certain rows are bridges or whatever…
On top of this, I wonder whether the display could be used to identify not only para meter values but also user submitted information about tracks, variations, patterns…
Let’s hope Allow patterns to play in certain orders and certain times - Song Mode is implemented, to see whether it makes pattern management easier.
There is also Possibility to choose different colors for patterns and other wishes about patterns that all point in the direction of helping the user create more elaborated music beyond the sequencer loops.