Has anyone built a custom Midi Controller for Tracker+?

Was doodling on a call the other day and was wondering if anyone had built a custom midi controller for the Tracker (or Tracker+). Might be cool to add some more immediate tactile controls for tweaking Macros, Levels and Performance Effects, especially now that with the new Tracker it’s feasible to perform and record tracks into the DAW.

Some thoughts:

  • Being able to Mix the tracks (i’ve assumed synth tracks will be addressable via midi too eventually)
  • Endless rotaries for the Macros
  • Modwheel style touch pads for the performance effects
  • Connects via the Jack to the Midi In.

Perhaps you could use an Elektra One

I think the Intech Studio Controller Modules would probably do just as fine of a job and they don’t take up much space either.

But i do have to admit, i do like the idea of a case where you could put your tracker in and extend it with physical knobs. But there are a couple problems here. Mainly the jacks and the power buttons (atleast based on your sketch).

I did think that one through a little - the whole tracker rear panel would be accessible. Below is a rear view of the back of the unit. The white part is open, so you can access the tracker i/o.

In this sketch:

  • Rear opening to access Tracker
  • Mini jack for MIDI out
  • Power switch & USB for power.
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Very nice! :heart:

Damn, this does look cool!