Global MIDI CC for synth macros (feature request)

I LOVE the tracker.
One gripe I have though, is that I need to set up performance slots for the macros and keep the performance page open (often having to re-arm tracks every time I go out and back in) in order to have MIDI control over synth macros.

I really wish I could control the macros of the synth using globally accessible MIDI CCs in the same way as CC71-82 always control the mixer levels regardless of what page you are on.
E.G. CC numbers 20-26 on MIDI channels10,11 and 12 could be the macros for the respective synths.


but that wouldnt fit with the 90s capabilities paradigm. it would make too much sense

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Ok but how bout as a trade off you have to use hexadecimal?

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good one mate! :sweat_smile:

you know, i have jumped off to an mpc 1000 with jjos2xl and a dirtywave m8 headless which works hand in hand with jjos for recalling instruments dynamically and automating literally everything, if you want tactile control over the pattern playing and expanded cc control over all 8 channels at once. you could even split the instrument and automation among its sequencer and the mpc or hapax or whatever you use for hardware sequencing. elektron, arturia, polyend, roland, korg. oxi, boss, yamaha, zaquencer

Btw, if you want this to be a proper feature request. Make sure to create a wish.