It would be amazing to have reverb / delay / modulation do a gapless spillover / trails into the next scene. Useful if you had some scenes set up for certain songs. Like Scene 1 for intro, Scene 2 for verses, Scene 3 for chorus etc…
Can do this if was using external effects and not the synth effects.
What should this feature achieve?
Should achieve a gapless spillover / trail when switching scenes
I think gapless spillover would require twice the processing power for effects, at least for a short while, because you’ll need to keep the effects running for sounds from the previous scene while already processing sounds of the new scene with new effects presets.
Since you mention external effects: a trails feature is quite common, where you can cut the input to the effect, and the effect sound goes on, but switching to another effect where the previous effect continues is pretty rare (apart from dual effects, like SA Ventris, or the Boss 500 series).
If I understand you wish correctly, trails won’t help you, because you want to have effects in the new scene as well.
I was just pointing out that spillover is not so common in hardware, simply because that would require twice the processing power. But the wish is a good one, this is what one would expect to happen, especially in a more quiet piece, or if you use really prominent effects in one part, having those cut of would simply ruin the track.
However, helpful workarounds might be these two wishes, because then you could at the very least work with other hardware to adjust mixer settings, and you would not need a new scene to change a synth engine: