Free 3rd party companions for the Polyend Tracker

I found these tools very interesting. Any other interesting known free companion tools?

Calculator for working with samples and music
Link → GitHub - thykka/tracker-tools: Calculator for sample-based workflows

View (and listen to) .pti files in your browser. [import / export]

Note: I was not able to import a Tracker plus .pti. [Maybe it works with Tracker non-plus pti?]

Stich & Slice

Create beat sliced instruments for the Polyend Tracker in the browser. Load audio files and export a perfectly sliced .pti file.

Link → Stitch & Slice - Create beat sliced Polyend Tracker instruments

Max4live editor implementation

An Ableton Live 11/Max For Live Unidirectional Editor For Polyend Tracker
Link → GitHub - adriananders/polyend-tracker-editor-m4l: An Ableton Live 11/Max For Live Unidirectional Editor For Polyend Tracker

Tracker PTI Instrument Creator

Tool for creating PTI Instruments

Link: Tracker PTI Instrument Creator


The problems about many of these free GitHub based project is that they requires extra knowledge in regard to setup, if they are not already browser-based.

Another Great One is WaveEdit for creating custom Wavetables
It’s a free standalone app.

You can download a hughe amount of cool Wavetables for free here

Learning about Wavetables was a gamechanger for me using the OG Tracker.

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As we are talking of free tools that make for good companions, I can highly recommend:

  • Renoise - Has a trial (no time limit) and the integrated sample editor allows you to create/draw/build your own single cycle waveforms. Spice things up by adding an FX Chain and bake it into the sample. And of course export them as .wav.

  • Vital - Free VST/Standalone synth. Often compared to Phaseplant. Has an integrated wavetable editor that is easy to use. Tip: use your single cycle waveforms in here to create wavetables.

  • Ocenaudio - A free and easy to use Sample Editor alternative to all the other stuff out there.

Was considering writing or making a tutorial if that is of interest to anyone.


I love Renoise as DAW software. I ran a cracked version for very long time and at a certain time, I just bought the full licence due to that I was very happy about it and didnt want to wait for the latest version to get cracked too :slight_smile:

LMK if you encounter any issues with my stuff (Adrian A)


Tool that can export midi from projects:

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Came across xmodits today (have not tried it tho)

A tool to rip samples from tracker modules. Supports IT, XM, S3M, MOD, UMX and MPTM formats.

Might be useful if you need to extract samples from other tracker formats.

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for me, it’s Audacity

I love this tool, very simple but can still execute very complex tasks

Akaizer is also a nice free tool to get the classic Akai Time stretch from core audio files



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