Fill Notes Window - Using incoming midi for data-input

What is the problem?

You dont have the ability to insert data to “Fill Notes” fields from an external midi device. Lets say that you want to make a bass track and you like to example use Each → Minor → From-to


  1. When example [From] is redly marked, then it does not respond to incoming midi notes externally, only the padgrid does, but you can hear the sound, when triggered externally
  2. You can insert with padgrid [or Jogwheel], but the sounds are not triggered as you hold the padgrid bottum.

What should this feature achieve?

for end-users like me, who are not 100 % musically trained and does things by ear. It would be very helpful to hear how a range between two notes could sound. Being able to input from external midi notes, would be nice.

Are there any workarounds?

Getting better at music theory?

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

Thanks for the wish @gravedraq! Also thanks for taking the time to make videos for your wishes/bug reports. Always makes it easier for the receivers :slight_smile:

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@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile: