Favorite stand for Polyend devices?

Most of the Polyend devices has the same form-factor, but is not always convenient to work with from a flat angle and therefore is an angled stand often more ergonomic.

What is your favorite stand and why?

I have the [Nulaxy laptop stand from Amazon], which I use with the Tracker. I like it, because it seems good build with a bit weight and with an adjustable angle.


I’ve personally used the following stand when i had a flat surface:

Since getting a Jaspers Rack i’ve just taken the same concept and printed some raisers on rails :laughing:

Before that i’ve used the following two:


Your setup looks nice @Sandroid!

I got this lovely wood stand second hand from “Scott & Son” and I can’t recommend enough!


I love me a nice piece of wood! :heart:
That’s gorgeous!

Yeah it’s really perfect for Polyend machines! And the angle is really great for screen and knobs!

Is that 20 degree angle?

Not sure about the angle, hope this pic helps:

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if i look at the angle from the wood stand and knowing that my 3d prints are 15 degrees… i’d say the wood stand should be around 20 - 30 degrees roughly?

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Custom built 2x3 from the roadworx ones. I have 3 of them so 18 in total.


I’ve been using these guys. Nothing fancy but they are very portable :slight_smile:


Do you have a picture of this in use as stand?

Im looking for something for the new Polyend Tracker.

There you go :slight_smile:


I have this one for my Tracker and it’s just perfect imo.


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I have two of these, one for the Play+ and one for the MicroFreak: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1120276581/

Very sturdy, lightweight and adjustable with an Allen wrench. Also: comes in traffic cone orange (or any other filament color I suppose, but orange is yummy).


I need a three-tier stand. By the way, why haven’t you made this available in the accessories yet? )))