What is the problem?
As a user with a lot of scenes on my SD Card, I would like a way to quickly preview several scenes before deciding which one to use.
What should this feature achieve?
The simplest way to achieve this is by making SHIFT + SCREEN load the scene but stay in the scene browser.
A nicer way is making it consistent with the synth preset browser: load selected scenes instantly, and provide ways to either switch to the new scene or exit to the previously selected one:
- clicking SCREEN exits the browser
- clicking SYNTH1 (back) restores the previous scene
Are there any workarounds?
Any links to related discussions?
Any references to other products?
- selecting sound presets on all Elektron devices offers that possibility
- Modor NF-1(m) also does that (when a sound is selected with the dial, it’s active, and you have to confirm load, or exit to the previous sound)
- Roland Sh-4d stays in the browser for sounds, and does not have exit pattern mode when selecting patterns, so you can select another one without any extra step