Fast and easier multi mutes and solos

It is different, because it’s not about mutes/solos directly, but about the problem of selecting multiple tracks in general.

The shift button overall has multiple functions already and there’s not much unused space left. That’s why I proposed to use «patterns» button. That’s the first difference.

The second difference: a player not only needs to able to unmute/unsolo tracks, but overall to make needed changes for a bunch of tracks. Selecting them one by one, especially when they aren’t grouped together, is a long process. Currently user also will need to deselect them later. With some tracks bound to «patterns/hold» player could tweak what he/she needs, release patterns and return to the previous device state (for example, another set of selected tracks). The classic usage example would be tweaking filter for some tracks. Having «pattens» pressed and tapping on one of the mutes/solos could extrapolate this action for all the selected tracks.