Export wave files sample rate weirdly set to 44117Hz

Bug Description

When I’m exporting song stems or pattern stems the frequency is weirdly 44117Hz instead of 44100Hz. (I opened the files in adobe audition).
and It can create slight shifts when you try to sync the tracker + stems and stems from another daw / synth …

Steps to Reproduce

File / Export / pattern stems export and just check the sample rate of the wave files in an audio software.

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Build: 1138


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Hey @basile.godard, thanks for the report. There is already an existing bug report for this:

What would help though, is if you add your findings to that existing issue - if that’s ok for you :blush:

Once that is done, i’ll close this one as a duplicate :muscle:

ok thx ! It’s done