Erase or initialise a pattern

What is the problem?

To erase a pattern you need to shift-select everything to delete it.

What should this feature achieve?

Have a button called “erase pattern”. There’s room on the pattern edit screen where you can name the pattern or track. Next to this option there should be 2 buttons, greyed out, called “yes” and “cancel”

When you press the “erase pattern” button, you get a pop-up warning asking if you are sure. The “Yes” and “Cancel” buttons are now lit, so you can confirm or cancel. The pattern should also have its name erased as well.

Are there any workarounds?

yes, shift select everything to erase. You also have to then rename as well if you have named the pattern.

Any links to related discussions?

Don’t think so.

Any references to other products?


Good idea, you can also clear a pattern by removing tracks from song mode.

careful! that does not erase the pattern though. It just removes it from the song structure.
You can however select all the tracks for a pattern in there and delete the content from said pattern.

Ah, alternative you can also add a slot with empty patterns on song mode and then copy/paste the emptiness to the desired pattern, which you want to clear?

absolutely. but at that point it’s probably easier to just hit the delete key on each track, no?

Thanks, I didn’t know that.

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Thanks a lot. Thats a good idea.

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@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile: