Empty MIDI synth engine

What is the problem?

When using Synth to control a DAW through MIDI, it is currently not possible to assign all 9 Parameter knobs to control arbitrary external elements. Based on the synth engine loaded, only knobs originally (on the Synth itself) controlling continuous values can be assigned and used externally; if a knob controls a discrete parameter or is unassigned, it won’t send any MIDI signal and so it won’t be assignable to anything in the DAW (and I assume any external gear).

What should this feature achieve?

Having an “empty” engine with all 9 Parameter knobs controlling some dummy parameters ranging from 0 to 100 would probably solve this issue and make Synth more usable as a MIDI controller. It would probably be even more useful if a second engine was available with values ranging between -100 and 100, to control external bipolar parameters.

Are there any workarounds?

The closest workaround at the moment is Init-ing a new Scene, which would load an ACD synth whose Engine section has 8 out of 9 Parameter knobs controlling continuous values, making them usable through MIDI.

Any links to related discussions?

There’s a discussion and a detailed workaround example here: Synth as Midi-Controller - #8 by roberto.preste

Any references to other products?


That is one use case, but another is to control other MIDI hardware through the MIDI “jack”.

I don’t think a second engine is required. I can imagine making use of the sections (Osc, Filter, Env etc.) and pages within the section to control more than 9 parameters and set up the CC# and polarity:

  • the first page of each section is used to send MIDI CC
  • the second page defines the CC-Numbers for each of the 9 knobs
  • the third page has a toggle for each knob to set it up as unipolar/bipolar (which is an entirely cosmetic thing on the first page only, knobs send out values from 0 to 127 irregardless.

Taking this one step further, even the LFOs and envelopes could send out MIDI CC, simply by using the Mods to assign them to knobs on the remaining pages. That way, the knob still controls the target parameter, and the LFO or envelope modulates that parameter simultaneously without the values jumping around when you turn the knob. A Macro might be set up be used to change the intensity of the modulation when assigned to the Mod slot’s amount.

All that can then be saved as presets for different devices inside or outside a DAW.


Well put. I second this, would be a great feature!

Yes please, I would be great if all parameter knobs could be easily mapped to your DAW.

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Thank you for taking your time here, @roberto.preste. Isn’t this a duplicate of this wish? Or could at least be incorporated into that other one?


glad to see more ppl want to use synts pads (arps, chords, etc) for controlling other instruments (or daw in your case) thats exactly what i wish too for synth

i called it “midi machine” where you can instead of tweaking synth parameters, call program change messages, midi cc parameters, and midi channels on the fly, just like you can with elektron devices.

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reposting here as I did not see this thread when searching:

I would love to see a MIDI engine that allows us to setup a channel as a midi controller and assign the encoders to the midi ccs of our choosing and save this as a preset for that Engine. Like on the Digitone 2

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I believe so, sorry I didn’t search deep enough to find that!

Thank you all very much for the feedback and comments!

So are you okay with closing this one and instead go vote for the existing wish when it’s ready for voting?