Drone toggle for Chord modes (or shift-hold voicing control)

What is the problem?

If the user wants to toggle-hold a chord pad, they have to un-hold it via shift, and then shift hold another pad. I think it would be very valuable if the held chord pad would release the current pad and hold the newly pressed pad. This would be very useful for changing drone chords while you play the other two grids. Another way to do this is to choose a limit for the amount of held pads you can have (per grid). If this limit was set to 1, the previous pad would be un-held and the new pad would be held. If set to 3, the oldest pad would be replaced by the newly pressed pad.

What should this feature achieve?

Ability to just tap a Chord pad, and have a droned / arpeggiated chord switch to the new chord pad without having to un-hold the old pad. This would free up hands, and provide sort of a “casio-chord” functionality.

Are there any workarounds?

not currently without using shift to un-hold and then shift to hold the new pad, which would break the arpeggio / droned chord.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

I haven’t seen this in other products. It does remind me of the “Casio Chord” functions of some keyboards.