Custom Grids for the Synth

I replied to the other thread. If you read that then no need to go any farther:

I think it would be amazing and almost a necessity these days. There are so many different grid configurations, 3x3, 4x4, etc., out fingers get accustomed to a particular format. I don’t believe it’s as uncommon as they think. Novation has components editor ( I think it’s incredible. I have created a pad configuration for my launchpad x that mimics my Ep133. I would like to do the same with polyend, but none of their machines support custom configurations. It’s a deal breaker. My fingers know the Ep133 configuration and I like it. I don’t want to muddy the waters. I am not a polyglot with my fingers.

Polyend, I love your play and am really curious about the tracker. A configuration editor, IMO, seems like a small ask?

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