I have seen Grid layouts in Scenes that are not shown in the manual. Perhaps they were added after that was written, but is there way to customise our own Grid layouts? - some I have seen are not quite what I would prefer so it would be good to be able to make my own.
(I see this as separate to the wish for a piano keyboard layout, which seems more like a scale thing rather than a grid one.)
A Q&A I saw/heard somewhere stated that it was a design decision to omit custom grids as “there are only so many sensible grid setups possible”. Originally a customisation app was planned but it was scrapped.
I am sure we will see more grid options down the line!
Thanks for that. It occurred to me after I wrote that it would have too little use to be worth an app for it. I have used devices where some things could be done by modifying text files - not the case with these things. As Brockstar has said as I was writing this they may add them, and there may be possible to “take” them from other Scenes if we find one. (By loading a Scene and modifying that to our own use and saving that.)
You can do that now, by clicking main encoder and going to grid and adjusting “layout” when you’re on any scene and change the layout for any scene that you like.
Or maybe you meant something else, if so disregard!
I was looking for something that’s not in the ones already there. However, I looked through them again today and there was more than I recall finding previously - but the selection knob seems to be a bit twitchy for some reason. There’s enough there that I can cope with, so it’s not a big deal, I think.
The example of using text files was not supported by the manufacturer and it did open the possibility of accidently bricking the devices, even with some protections against making modified settings - I wouldn’t hold it against Polyend for not considering that a viable possibility.
(Still like the idea in principle, though!)
Read the wish, there are examples of several other devices using text files.
Due to some very wise decisions on the part of Polyend, bricking the Synth is impossible:
As long as user defined grids are stored on the SD card, you can always recover by simply deleting all user grids from the card. But even if the grids were copied to some internal memory, on Synth you can always trigger a forced firmware flash that would fix this (see the manual how that is done).
So no need to worry, and no excuse to fulfill that wish, as well
I replied to the other thread. If you read that then no need to go any farther:
I think it would be amazing and almost a necessity these days. There are so many different grid configurations, 3x3, 4x4, etc., out fingers get accustomed to a particular format. I don’t believe it’s as uncommon as they think. Novation has components editor (https://components.novationmusic.com/). I think it’s incredible. I have created a pad configuration for my launchpad x that mimics my Ep133. I would like to do the same with polyend, but none of their machines support custom configurations. It’s a deal breaker. My fingers know the Ep133 configuration and I like it. I don’t want to muddy the waters. I am not a polyglot with my fingers.
Polyend, I love your play and am really curious about the tracker. A configuration editor, IMO, seems like a small ask?