Creation of a "Kudos Thread"

What is the problem?

There is no thread for kudos. Be it to person(s) in the company, someone on the thread for helping out, or seeing something out in the world that makes Polyend kudoriffic.

What do you want to achieve?

A thread called Kudos

Are there any workarounds?

Yes, give a heart or post a positive reply that gets lost in the ether

Any links to related discussions?

Sadly, no. It’s all about bugs or enhancements. Where is the kudo love?

Any references to other products?

Sadly, no. Perhaps others should follow suit.

PS - I do not expect this to be approved. There is a hint of sarcasm. Yet, I do believe it should be a thing.


Hello there Mr. @TheKrazyWabbit , i hope you are doing well :hugs:

Considering the confines of Discourse (the Forum Software), what exactly are you imagining here?

Wouldn’t this be something that could done with a simple post/thread here, where you/we just shout out whatever you want to shout out? Nobody is stopping you/us from creating such posts really :blush: … or individual post when they arise.

Or are you imagining something more elaborate?

Nope, feel free to delete. Having fun and hope you are well.

Seriously, just wanting more good vibes to be shared. Carry on.

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:joy: Gotcha. We shall carry on carrying :saluting_face:


I give kudos to chocolate and electronic music.

Love this idea. I’ll throw Mitch on this lil’ bonfire as that one’s patience with me recently over my Play+ whinging was astounding :slight_smile: cheers @Mitch