Couple of questions before buying Play/Play+

That is unclear as of now. Wishes are a way for Polyend to see what people want in their devices. How the implementation looks like, we do not know yet :blush:

That is something you can do with Synth Macros. Here’s a small outtake from the manual:

A synth patch has 6 macros that are configured for direct control of synth parameters by using these defined knobs.

The macro’s are something you can configure yourself and each macro can control multiple internal parameters. So that gives you quite a bit of flexibility.

One thing that i personally am missing is a bit more control for live performances across an entire song, which is why i created the following wish:

I’ll use this outtake from the manual:

Play+ will accept WAV samples in a variety of formats. The internal audio engine will operate with uncompressed 16bit stereo PCM Files at various sample rates. The conversion will be performed automatically to match the internal audio engine. The sample pool capacity will depend on the type
files stored but is typically 6 Mins with 16-Bit, 44.1kHz Mono WAV’s and 3 mins for Stereo. Lower sample rates will occupy less memory but will also have lower sound quality. A project holds a maximum of 255 samples.

So ideally you’ll have to prepare your samples externally, so that they are loaded the way you want them to.

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