Copy (multiple) Patterns between Projects

The ability to select one or more patterns from one project to another.

What is the problem?

Currenty it is not possible to copy one or more patterns from one project to another.

What do you want to achieve?

  • Load Project A, select one or more patterns and copy them
  • Load Project B, paste patterns with including data (samples, notedata, synth settings etc) into project.

This could be done either by moving everything to RAM for the copy process or by temporarily store that information on disk so it can be applied to the target project.

Are there any workarounds?

Copy the entire project by managing the card on a computer. Then opening the project on the Play again and remove all the things you donā€™t want to keep.

This only works for a fresh/new project of course. As soon as you try to do this for an existing project - as in: copy multiple pattern into a project that already contains patterns - this will fail, as it is currently not possible.

Any links to related discussions?

I saw some closed topics where you all saw the solution coming in a SONG Mode widget. Others asked to easily arrange pattern(s) on the Pattern Chain View.

Any references to other products?

Google to see MOST other drum/grove tools have a Pattern Set/Song Copy function.

Hey @donald.finch :wave: . Welcome to Backstage! :partying_face:

Iā€™m having a hard time figuring out what you are asking for here?
Is it that you want to select multiple patterns and copy them in one action?

Or do you actually mean exporting them as audio files. Or maybe even both?

Thanks for helping me understand this :blush:

Needing ability to:
1 open a Project, select Multiple Patterns and Copy them.
2 open another Project and PASTE the Multiple Patterns into that Project (w/all supporting settings).
*Enabling multiple pattern selection could also be supported by allowing MOVE functionality.

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Iā€™ve rewritten your initial request based on the answer you have given me.
I simplified the content to capture the essence of your wish.
I hope it still conveys your initial idea? :blush:

Thx! The WORKAROUND is NOT accurate-though. That technique does not allow ā€˜gatheringā€™ the pattern chains from multiple projects into a single ā€œperformanceā€ Project.

That is correct, which is why i wrote:

This only works for a fresh/new project of course.

As soon as you try to do this for an existing project - as in: copy multiple pattern into a project that already contains patterns - this will fail.

Iā€™ll try to clarify that in the workaround section :blush:

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TY! Yeah- I am surprised more PLAYers donā€™t NEED this, too!?!

@here Thanks for your wish. Itā€™s now ready for voting :slight_smile: