Contrast ratio of red outline not high enough

Bug Description

Not sure if this is a bug or a wish but the contrast ratio of the red outline is very low. When using the Tracker Mini outdoors for example, it becomes difficult to know if something is highlighted.

This is particularly difficult when using the onscreen keyboard and moving around the letters (e.g. when naming a pattern) but is also affecting the Song page (i.e. hard to see which step is highlighted in red).

Dark red on black makes for very low contrast. A lighter shade of red/orange/pink would make things easier if the screen technology supports that.

Some pages seem to have thicker red outlines (e.g. the sample loader page) which makes things easier.

Actually if the highlight color were the same as the one for the Rec button, that would be delightful. To me that looks like a reddish salmon color.

A curb cut effect if the contrast ratio was higher across the board would be that users could dim the screen’s brightness in more situations (and use less battery).

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go outdoors.
  2. Go to the Pattern page.
  3. Select Pattern name.
  4. Try to rename without squinting. It’s difficult to see the red outline around the letters. The cursor is also elusive.

Expected the red outline to be clearly visible.



Found in

  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Build: 995


The keyboard:

In monochrome:

The color of the Rec button could be a good alternative to the red:


I’d like to +1 this as i noticed the ‘highlight’ states / red outline is difficult to discern outdoors in the file selector as well. I looked through the other UI and it seems when a ‘section’ is highlighted with red, the individual element selector is still white, which is helpful and fixes the issue in bad lighting. So the file selection menu is the only place where the ‘current selected section’ has a red thin outline instead of a white thin outline. It would be great to switch that one to white as well if possible. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Hi @matthieutc , thanks for another detailed bug report. I will log it for now, but honestly I don’t now if we’ll treat this as a bug for now, rather an improvement – as there will always be some outdoor brightness / sunlight which will prevent screen to be clearly visible. But I agree, this could be improved.

I know @Sandroid rejected the “wish” in favour of this “bug”, but not to overcomplicate, let’s just take it from here :slight_smile:
Thanks again for your support, we’ll let you know when there is a solution available.


Sure thing :ok_hand: