Connecting Play+ to iOS devices (Midi and Audio)

true l, same for elektron devices on iOS.

…that and the fact that distortion also occurs with usb audio to some desktop devices makes the Polyend wording: ‘it does not support ipads’ sound a bit strange. Fix it for desktop and it will be fixed for iOS ??
To me it seems it s either that or
the promised usb audio is just a failure and bugged in General

Got the Mini now for a couple of days and I can confirm that the Mini gets recognized in AUM (IOS Lightning device) when connected via CCK. BUT…
The audio signal is not clear… it has audio glitches overall. Maybe I’m missing something here… so if anyone has solved this behaivor pls feel free to share it.
That would be great. :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

Check out this comment i made a while back.

Thanks…but that didn’t solve that behaviour. The crackles and glitches are still there.:person_shrugging:t4: AUM settings 16bit 44.1khz.

Can you provide an audio example of what you hear, or does it sound very much the same as in the video in the comment i linked to? Where are you listening to the audio? Directly on the iPad or is it from the output of the Mini?

No it sounds a bit different. I will try to record an example. I listen on my monitors which I connect to the output of the Mini… I also checked it when connecting the monitors to the headphone jack of the IPad. But it makes no difference.

Edit: I simply connected the Mini to my iPhone via the small CCK (without power supply) and it worked smoothly. Gets immediately recognized in AUM and can be recorded without any problems. Woohooooo !!!

I could never get clear audio from any devices into iOS via a lightning cck cable, or usb audio interface such as the simple Behringer UCA222, I found I only got clear audio without glitches when going through a powered usb hub to iOS lightning connection, it’s as if it the lightning connection doesn’t supply enough power? Maybe’s the cck adapters I tried were pants, but I’ve had no such issues since using usb-c iOS devices.

I guess it’s when using it with the powered CCK…To be honest I didn’t thought it would work with the unpowered CCK…with the MC101 it didn’t worked. I got failure messages on my phone that the connected device was using too much power. But not with the Mini.:+1:t3::ok_hand:t3:

Glad you got it working :muscle:

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