Hey there, I have a very specific question that I’m unsure if anyone here will be able to help with:
my setup is Oxi One sends midi and clock>midi splitter…
The splitter sends to 3 synths, who each have their own midi channels so nothing crosses over…
The splitter also sends start/stop messages from the oxi to my Polyend Play, which also controls my sp404mkii.
The play is set to receive clock via the trs input, and it works well. On the play, “Note In” is set to “off.” However…
I tried assigning the Oxi’s LFO, on a Poly sequencer, to the panning cc of a synth (I believe cc9), and it worked! But the lfo assigned to this would also make the tempo on the Play go way faster, then bend down to really slow, like a single sine wave cycle was sent to the tempo… then it just stays super slow until I disable the lfo.
Any idea what may be happening here? I also asked the Oxi community for input, but I’m a bit more confused by the Play’s midi in capabilities (all I know is midi thru is not supported, which is irrelevant here)
This sounds like there might be some MIDI feedback loop happening.
Is there any MIDI being sent into the OXI?
EDIT; Would be awesome if you could link the Midi Splitter you’re using
The only midi going into the oxi is from my tiny keystep, which isn’t running a clock or anything.
On the oxi discord we narrowed it down to the midi line for the Play getting too saturated- as the splitter I have ends up sending all midi info to everything. It’s a cheap 1-in 4-out splitter I found on Reverb, but I’m going to get an Oxi Split to avoid this issue.
The root of the issue seems to be that the Oxi’s lfo signals sent are at a faster(?) rate than the midi clock information(?) which can make some devices freak out like this tempo-wise, and it seems that the team at Oxi is seeing if this is a fixable issue.
Here’s how the conversation went- I only kind of followed as I’m not super knowledgable on how midi works in a technical sense. (OldSchoolBuzzer is the person who helped figure it out)
So it turned out to be just whenever the midi lfo from the Oxi was turned on- regardless of cc assignment. This is why we think it is a saturated midi line for the Play, because the splitter I have is essentially sending the midi data for my 4 synths, and the start/stop messages for the Play, to everything simultaneously. Once I have the Oxi Split, I’ll be able to divvy up the midi data being sent to certain lines, hopefully letting the Play feel less overwhelmed by so much data.