Color Customizable Changeable Casing

What is the problem?


What should this feature achieve?


Are there any workarounds?

Selling single front/top panel/plates in various colors

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

Playstation 5

That would be nice indeed. :heart:

Btw, there are various vinyl wrap manufacturers that offer skins for the Tracker devices in case you’d be interested in that!

I think wishes are more for like software ideas? But just to make sure your voice is heard, i’m going to tag @Mitch here and let him answer this. :hugs:

Most likely afterwards we’re going to close this down. Hope that’s ok :blush:

OMG, what have you done to us:


Ah yeah, so there aren’t any plans for customization right now, although personally I love it particularly with the mini. So I guess not ruling it out in the future. :person_shrugging:


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